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interest rate spreads中文是什么意思

用"interest rate spreads"造句"interest rate spreads"怎么读"interest rate spreads" in a sentence


  • 利差


  • F . us and japan trade deficitsurplus , interest rate spread impact on yen exchange rate
  • Interest rate spreads between the hong kong dollar and us dollar also declined further . 2
  • The continued strong depositors appetite for savings deposits in part reflected the narrowing of the interest rate spread between the short - term time deposit rate and the savings deposit rate
  • Thereafter , there had been some capital inflows that contributed to an increase in interbank liquidity and a drop in interbank interest rates . hk interest rate spreads over us rates had narrowed accordingly
  • The decision to lift only the cost of borrowing money also gives local banks a higher interest rates spread , meaning they can preserve their profitability even if they are forced to rein in the quantity of lending
  • Interest rate spreads between the hong kong dollar and us dollar had widened significantly in the second half of the period and hong kong dollar 12 - month forward points had risen to 368 pips in mid - october before easing to 295 pips at the end of the period
  • Fortunately , the life insurance companies had realized the ponderance of the existing operational risks , especially the losses due to interest rate spread , which was an attention - getting problem to the whole industry . now the business ideas of the life insurance companies change greatly
用"interest rate spreads"造句  
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